Field Marshall Muthoni, the woman.

When a human being spends eleven years of their lives in the forest, braving the elements and using their bodies to physically fight for the freedom of a nation, you know that this person is a real badass. Especially when she is the only woman to have been given the title Field Marshall. So when … More Field Marshall Muthoni, the woman.

The Sound Engineer

He takes her breath away. With a slide of his hand and a tap of his finger the breaths escape, punctuating the silence and marching into the air one after the other like hard booted soldiers. With every click of the mouse the shiny silver knobs on the mixer glide down on their own, bowing … More The Sound Engineer


Perhaps your day started out like mine; a series of intense irritation inducing incidents. I started a new job, and with it the battle of finding parking. Each morning I have been leaving earlier and earlier, hoping and failing, to snag myself a city council parking slot. Perhaps like me, this morning you left the … More Broken